Block Size: 5"

Fabric Requirements:

Cut 2: 3" squares white fabric
Cut 2: 3" squares red fabric
Cut 1: 3" square blue fabric
Cut 1: 5 ½" square thin batting
Cut 1: 5 ½" muslin backing

Assembly Directions:

  1. All seams are ¼".
  2. Fold blue square in half, wrong sides together.
  3. Place a white square on work surface, right side up.
  4. Lay folded blue square on the white square with fold in the middle and matching raw edges on the right side.
  5. Place a red square on top of the first two squares, right sides together.
  6. Pin and stitch across the top. You will be catching the folded blue center square.
  7. Open by picking up the red square and press seam toward the red square.
  8. Lay the second red square on the work surface, right side up.
  9. Fold the red and white squares back away from the folded blue center square.
  10. Position the free end of the folded blue square at the top of the second red square so that the fold runs vertically through the middle of the square and the raw edges are even with the left side.
  11. Place the second white square on top of the two squares right sides together.
  12. Pin and stitch across the top. You again will be catching the folded blue center square.
  13. Open out and press seam allowance toward the second red square.
  14. With the two sets of squares folded back from the folded blue center square, your block should look like this.

  15. Open the pocket formed by the center blue square and bring the two seams together aligning the raw edges of the pocket and the edges of the red and white squares.
  16. Pin in place and sew, catching the center blue square.
  17. Open and press. Square-up your block to 5 ½".
  18. Lay batting on work surface. Top with pieced block right side up, then backing right side down.
  19. Sew around outside leaving about 1 ½" opening for turning.
  20. Turn right side out. Slip stitch the opening closed and press.
  21. Top stitch ¼" all around.
  22. Write "Piecemakers Quilt Guild" on top white square and your name on the bottom white square.
  23. Sew pin on back top corner of white square.